1 research outputs found

    Lamprey watershed education and outreach

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    The Lamprey River Nomination Committee sought the assistance of the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) to complete an extensive and detailed information package to nominate the Lamprey River and its major tributaries to the NH Rivers Management and Protection Program. The nomination package was due at DES on June 1, 2010, was reviewed and accepted by the State Rivers Management Committee in September and forwarded to the Commissioner of DES. The nomination is now working through the NH legislature with hearings anticipated during the spring 2011 session. If passed, the bill should be signed by Governor Lynch in July of 2011. Assistance from PREP was essential for the completion of a major outreach effort to landowners along the rivers under consideration, communication with each town selec tboard, planning board and conservation commission, and with many partners and organizations throughout the watershe